
Before you come, you might like to research some of the other attractions and places in and around Rice Lake, Ontario. We know that not everyone comes for the Walleye and Bluegill fishing. There’s plenty to do in our area. Pinecrest Cottages is located far enough off the “beaten path” to be quiet and peaceful, but close enough to civilization that you need never be bored. Your fishing cottage will be just an hour and a half from downtown Toronto by major highway, and nearby towns like Cobourg and Port Hope, on the shore of Lake Ontario, are not only beautiful and historic, but offer restaurants of all kinds, antique stores, shopping and theatres. Check them out, the fish will still be there when you get back to Rice Lake!

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Rice Lake Fishing Information

The Fishing

Town of Port Hope

Town of Cobourg

Village of Colborne

Town of Brighton

City of Peterborough